Dock Floats

1. Choose preferred buoyancy

Average per square foot

Basic 20 lbs / sq.ft.
Good 25 lbs / sq.ft
Commercial type 30 lbs + / sq.ft

2. Choose the height of the float

According to the free-board* that fits your needs

Example of Free-board Corresponding heights of floats
+/- 13″ 8″
+/- 17″ 12″
+/- 20″ 16″

Shop dock floats

*Free-board: height of the dock above waterline with a “good” buoyancy

Example of floats calculation

Your use of the dock and your boats will guide you in choosing the floats model you need:

  • For swimming, pedal boating, canoeing or kayaking: low free-board
  • For a pontoon or large motorized boat: high free-board

To calculate the amount of floats needed (for residential use) we recommend do this calculation:

  1. Multiply the dock area (length x width) by 25 (for 25 lbs buoyancy per square foot).
  2. Divide this amount by the buoyancy capacity of the chosen float (ex. the R-750 float has a capacity of 750 lbs).
  3. Then round the result to the nearest even number.


Low free-boards
1. 8′ x 12′ – 96 sq.ft.
2. 96 x 25 – 2400 lbs
3. 2400 / 370 – 6.4 floats so 8x the Model R-370

High free-boards
1. 8′ x 12′ – 96 sq.ft.
2. 96 x 25 – 2400 lbs
3. 2400 / 750 – 3.2 floats so 4x the R-750 model

Make sure you have enough space to install all floats under the dock.

Hollow or foam-filled…
same format equals same buoyancy

Hollow float

  • A hollow float is lighter (the dock is therefore easier to move) and less expensive.
  • If a float gets damaged by banging on big rocks, constant friction on lake bottom, it would not be repairable and would fill with water very quickly.
  • 1-year warranty*.

Foam-filled float

  • More robust, because of the expanded foam, heavier, it results in a more stable dock.
  • If a small break occurs, it can take several years before the float loses its efficiency as it is filled with an expanded foam that takes all the space and will not let the water seep in.
  • 15-year warranty*.

Download our most popular floats

*Against manufacturing defect and on a pro rata basis. See Multinautic Warranty details.

Multinautic is the largest distributor of Eagle Floats in North America. Our extensive inventory of Eagle Floats and Multinautic Floats ensures that we can meet the demand for diverse floating projects.

Eagle Floats exceed all Marine Industry standards for encapsulated dock flotation by utilizing cutting-edge technology such as infrared telemetry and computer-controlled steaming.

The best customer service team is there for you 1 800 585 1237